Saturday, July 9, 2011

Child Rights Protection from Prostitution in Tanzania

For many years Tanzania had many pieces of legislation which involved in protection of child rights generally. In 2009 marked the celebration of an enactment of a hamonized Law of the Child Act No. 21 of 2009. The Act tries to harmonize all law that involve in protection of child rights. Apart from this law which was long waited by child rights activists, Tanzania is a siganatory to the CRC and Optional Protocol on the Sale of children, child prostition and child pornography.

Looking at this history, Tanzania has not comprehensively involved itself in protection of child prostitution. The Law of the Child Act NO. 21 of 2009 does fully tackle the issue of protection of child rights from prostitution. However, the concept that a male adult who has canal knowledge with a child with or without consent is accused of committing rape is erroneous. Many adults are accused of using children for prostitution and once they are found around the areas where prostitution is conducted, they treated as loiterers.